[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page added: documentation:plugins:obm
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====== OBM plugin ======

===== Presentation =====

{{ :documentation:logos:logo_obm.png?nolink& |}}

[[http://www.obm.org|OBM]] is a free messaging and collaboration platform useful for just a couple to many thousands of users with strong support for mobile device.

Since version 2.6, OBM provides a REST API to manage users and groups: [[http://obm.org/wiki/obm-provisioning-api]]

This LSC plugin uses this API in destination, so you can synchronize users and groups from an LDAP directory, a database or any other LSC sources.

===== Installation =====

Go on the [[:download|download page]], in the plugins section, and get the latest version of the OBM plugin.

Then install it in the lib/ directory of your LSC installation.

===== Configuration =====

==== XML namespace ====

You need to adapt the namespace of the main markup to import obm namespace:

<file xml>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<lsc xmlns="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-core-2.0.xsd" xmlns:obm="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-obm-plugin-1.0" revision="0">

==== Connection ====

Define the connection like this:

<file xml>
<pluginConnection implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.obm.generated.obmConnectionType">
<username>ADMIN_LOGIN at DOMAIN</username>

Parameters are:
* OBM_SYNC_IP : IP or name ot the server hosting OBM-Sync
* OBM_SYNC_PORT : Port of the OBM-Sync process
* ADMIN_LOGIN : Login of the administrator
* DOMAIN : OBM Domain
* ADMIN_PASSWORD : Password of the administrator

==== Destination service ====

You can create a service to manage users or groups. For users:

<file xml>
<pluginDestinationService implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.obm.ObmUserDstService">
<connection reference="obm" />
<connection reference="obm" />

For groups:

<file xml>
<pluginDestinationService implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.obm.ObmGroupDstService">
<connection reference="obm" />
<connection reference="obm" />

This service needs the following parameters:
* domainUUID: Identifier of the domain. You can list the available domains on http://OBM_SYNC_IP:OBM_SYNC_PORT/obm-sync/provisioning/v1/domains/
* writableAttributes: list of attributes to manage trough this connector. Refer to OBM provisioning documentation to get the complete list ([[http://obm.org/wiki/provisioning-user-api|user API]] | [[http://obm.org/wiki/provisioning-group-api|group API]]).

The rest of the configuration is like any other LSC connector: define conditions and datasets to configure the mapping between your source and your destination.

For example, to manage users and subgroups in a group:
<file xml>
var membersSrcDn = srcBean.getDatasetValuesById("member");
var memberIdValues = [];
for (var i=0; i<membersSrcDn.size(); i++) {
var memberSrcDn = membersSrcDn.get(i);
var id = "";
if ( memberSrcDn.indexOf("ou=users") != -1 ) {
try {
id = srcLdap.attribute(memberSrcDn, "entryUUID").get(0);
} catch(e) {
memberIdValues.push (id);
var membersSrcDn = srcBean.getDatasetValuesById("member");
var memberIdValues = [];
for (var i=0; i<membersSrcDn.size(); i++) {
var memberSrcDn = membersSrcDn.get(i);
var id = "";
if ( memberSrcDn.indexOf("ou=groups") != -1 ) {
try {
id = srcLdap.attribute(memberSrcDn, "entryUUID").get(0);
} catch(e) {
memberIdValues.push (id);

===== Plugin loading =====

To load the plugin into LSC, you need to modify JAVA_OPTS:

For example, to run a user synchronization:
JAVA_OPTS="-DLSC.PLUGINS.PACKAGEPATH=org.lsc.plugins.connectors.obm.generated" /usr/bin/lsc -f /etc/lsc/obm/ -s user -t1

<note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread, that is better to use the OBM REST API.</note>
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