[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page added: documentation:howto:hsqldb
2014-03-04 15:56:41 UTC
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User : coudot

====== HSQLDB ======

LSC provides HSLQDB library and a utility script that allow to use this database to store temporary synchronization data, for example to use a CSV file as a source.

===== Script location =====

LSC provides a wrapper to manage the packaged HSQLDB database, it is located in the LSC bin directory and is named ''hsqldb''.

You can execute it to see the possible options:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb

bin/hsqldb [<option>]

One option from available options is:
--import <file> [<table>] [<separator>] Import data from CSV file
--drop [<table>] Drop data
--show [<table>] Show data from database
--start Start the server
--stop Stop the server
--status Display server status
--help Print informations

===== Start/stop HSQLDB =====

Start HSQLB will the following command:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --start

You can then check the status:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --status
HSQLDB Server is running (PID 7020)

To stop it:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --stop

<note important>If you stop HSQLDB, all registered data will be lost.</note>

===== Import CSV data =====

By default, your HSQLDB database is empty. You can load the data with this command:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --import tutorial.csv
1 lines imported into table csvdata

<note tip>By default, data are loaded in table ''csvdata'' but you can change the table name, for example:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --import tutorial.csv tutorial
1 lines imported into table tutorial

You can then display imported data:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --show
---- --- --------- -------- ----------------
jdoe Doe John John Doe jdoe at example.com

<note tip>You can specify the table name after the ''--show'' option.</note>

===== Remove data =====

You can remove data by dropping a table:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --drop

<note tip>You can specify the table name after the ''--drop'' option.</note>
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