[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page changed: documentation:plugins:executable
2014-03-03 14:43:05 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393856788
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -23,6 +23,55 @@

There are two different destination connectors:
* Executable LDAP destination service: LIST and GET operations are done with LDAP destination service
* Executable LDIF destination service: LIST and GET operations are done by scripts, like the one use in Executable LDIF source service
+ ===== Configuration =====
+ ==== XML namespace ====
+ You need to adapt the namespace of the main markup to import 'exec' namespace:
+ <file xml>
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ <lsc xmlns="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-core-2.0.xsd" xmlns:exec="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-executable-plugin-1.0" revision="0">
+ ...
+ </lsc>
+ </file>
+ ==== Connection ====
+ You need to define a fake connection for the plugin:
+ <file xml>
+ <pluginConnection>
+ <name>executable</name>
+ <url>fake</url>
+ <username>fake</username>
+ <password>fake</password>
+ </pluginConnection>
+ </file>
+ ==== Executable LDIF Source Service ====
+ ==== Executable LDAP Destination Service ====
+ ==== Executable LDIF Destination Service ====
+ ===== Plugin loading =====
+ To load the plugin into LSC, you need to modify JAVA_OPTS:
+ <code>
+ JAVA_OPTS="-DLSC.PLUGINS.PACKAGEPATH=org.lsc.plugins.connectors.executable.generated"
+ </code>
+ For example, to run a user synchronization:
+ <code>
+ JAVA_OPTS="-DLSC.PLUGINS.PACKAGEPATH=org.lsc.plugins.connectors.executable.generated" /usr/bin/lsc -f /etc/lsc/executable/ -s user -t1
+ </code>
+ <note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread.</note>
+ ===== Scripts =====
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393857785
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -23,8 +23,14 @@

There are two different destination connectors:
* Executable LDAP destination service: LIST and GET operations are done with LDAP destination service
* Executable LDIF destination service: LIST and GET operations are done by scripts, like the one use in Executable LDIF source service
+ ===== Installation =====
+ Go on the [[:download|download page]], in the plugins section, and get the latest version of the Executable plugin.
+ Then install it in the lib/ directory of your LSC installation.

===== Configuration =====

==== XML namespace ====
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393857844
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -57,8 +57,32 @@

==== Executable LDIF Source Service ====
+ The configuration part of the source service is:
+ <file:xml>
+ <pluginSourceService implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.executable.ExecutableLdifSourceService">
+ <name>user-src-service</name>
+ <connection reference="executable" />
+ <exec:executableLdifSourceServiceSettings>
+ <name>user-src-service-exec</name>
+ <connection reference="executable" />
+ <exec:listScript>path/to/listscript</exec:listScript>
+ <exec:getScript>path/to/getscript</exec:getScript>
+ <exec:variables>
+ <entry><key>key</key><value>value</value></entry>
+ <entry><key>key2</key><value>value2</value></entry>
+ </exec:variables>
+ </exec:executableLdifSourceServiceSettings>
+ </pluginSourceService>
+ </file>
+ Parameters are:
+ * listScript: Path to the script used to list all entries. The script must be exectuable.
+ * getScript: Path to the script used to list a specific entry. The script must be exectuable.
+ * variables: allow to define variables that will be passed as environment variables to scripts.

==== Executable LDAP Destination Service ====

==== Executable LDIF Destination Service ====
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393858236
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -103,5 +103,9 @@
<note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread.</note>

===== Scripts =====

+ * How to write your own scripts
+ * Sample scripts:
+ * Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
+ * Perl wrappers to CSV file (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-03 14:59:51 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393858746
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
<note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread.</note>

===== Scripts =====

- * How to write your own scripts
+ * [[howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
* Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
* Perl wrappers to CSV file (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-03 15:59:37 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393858791
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
<note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread.</note>

===== Scripts =====

- * [[howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
+ * [[executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
* Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
* Perl wrappers to CSV file (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-03 16:01:14 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393862377
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
<note tip>The use of -t1 limits LSC to one thread.</note>

===== Scripts =====

- * [[executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
+ * [[.:executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
* Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
* Perl wrappers to CSV file (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-03 16:04:41 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393862474
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -106,6 +106,6 @@

* [[.:executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
* Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
- * Perl wrappers to CSV file (GET, LIST)
+ * [[.:executable:perl_csv2ldif|Perl wrappers to CSV file]] (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-03 16:27:37 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393862681
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
===== Scripts =====

* [[.:executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
- * Shell wrappers to LDAP clients (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
+ * [[.:executable:bash_ldapclients|Shell wrappers to LDAP clients]] (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
* [[.:executable:perl_csv2ldif|Perl wrappers to CSV file]] (GET, LIST)
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2014-03-04 10:35:25 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393864057
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary: [Scripts]
User : coudot

@@ -107,5 +107,6 @@
* [[.:executable:howto_scripts|How to write your own scripts]]
* Sample scripts:
* [[.:executable:bash_ldapclients|Shell wrappers to LDAP clients]] (GET, LIST, ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
* [[.:executable:perl_csv2ldif|Perl wrappers to CSV file]] (GET, LIST)
+ * [[.:executable:perl_ldif|Perl wrappers for LDIF inputs]] (ADD, REMOVE, UPDATE, RENAME)
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2014-03-04 14:05:24 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393929325
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
* the REMOVE script which delete an existing entry (delete operation)
* the RENAME script which change the DN of an existing entry (modrdn operation)

There are two different destination connectors:
- * Executable LDAP destination service: LIST and GET operations are done with LDAP destination service
+ * Executable LDAP destination service: LIST and GET operations are done with [[..:latest:configuration:service:destinationldap|LDAP destination service]]
* Executable LDIF destination service: LIST and GET operations are done by scripts, like the one use in Executable LDIF source service

===== Installation =====

@@ -78,13 +78,57 @@

Parameters are:
- * listScript: Path to the script used to list all entries. The script must be exectuable.
- * getScript: Path to the script used to list a specific entry. The script must be exectuable.
+ * listScript: Path to the script used to list all entries. The script must be executable.
+ * getScript: Path to the script used to list a specific entry. The script must be executable.
* variables: allow to define variables that will be passed as environment variables to scripts.

==== Executable LDAP Destination Service ====
+ The configuration part of the destination service is:
+ <file:xml>
+ <pluginDestinationService implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.executable.ExecutableLdapDestinationService">
+ <name>user-dst-service</name>
+ <connection reference="openldap" />
+ <exec:executableLdapDestinationServiceSettings>
+ <name>user-dst-service-exec</name>
+ <connection reference="openldap" />
+ <baseDn>ou=users,dc=example,dc=com</baseDn>
+ <pivotAttributes>
+ <string>uid</string>
+ </pivotAttributes>
+ <fetchedAttributes>
+ <string>cn</string>
+ <string>givenName</string>
+ <string>objectclass</string>
+ <string>sn</string>
+ <string>uid</string>
+ </fetchedAttributes>
+ <getAllFilter><![CDATA[(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)]]></getAllFilter>
+ <getOneFilter><![CDATA[(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={uid}))]]></getOneFilter>
+ <exec:addScript>path/to/addscript</exec:addScript>
+ <exec:updateScript>path/to/updatescript</exec:updateScript>
+ <exec:removeScript>path/to/removescript</exec:removeScript>
+ <exec:renameScript>path/to/renamescript</exec:renameScript>
+ <exec:variables>
+ <entry><key>key</key><value>value</value></entry>
+ <entry><key>key2</key><value>value2</value></entry>
+ </exec:variables>
+ </exec:executableLdapDestinationServiceSettings>
+ </pluginDestinationService>
+ </file>
+ <note important>Here the connection do not refer to fake plugin connection, but to an [[..:latest:configuration:connections:ldap|LDAP connection]].</note>
+ Parameters are:
+ * addScript: Path to the script used to add an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * updateScript: Path to the script used to update an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * removeScript: Path to the script used to remove an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * renameScript: Path to the script used to rename an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * variables: allow to define variables that will be passed as environment variables to scripts.
+ * Other parameters: see [[..:latest:configuration:service:destinationldap|LDAP destination service]].

==== Executable LDIF Destination Service ====
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2014-03-04 14:27:18 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393941924
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary:
User : coudot

@@ -130,8 +130,45 @@
* Other parameters: see [[..:latest:configuration:service:destinationldap|LDAP destination service]].

==== Executable LDIF Destination Service ====

+ The configuration part of the destination service is:
+ <file:xml>
+ <pluginDestinationService implementationClass="org.lsc.plugins.connectors.executable.ExecutableLdifDestinationService">
+ <name>user-dst-service</name>
+ <connection reference="executable" />
+ <exec:executableLdifDestinationServiceSettings>
+ <name>user-dst-service-exec</name>
+ <connection reference="executable" />
+ <exec:listScript>path/to/listscript</exec:listScript>
+ <exec:getScript>path/to/getscript</exec:getScript>
+ <exec:addScript>path/to/addscript</exec:addScript>
+ <exec:updateScript>path/to/updatescript</exec:updateScript>
+ <exec:removeScript>path/to/removescript</exec:removeScript>
+ <exec:renameScript>path/to/renamescript</exec:renameScript>
+ <exec:variables>
+ <entry><key>key</key><value>value</value></entry>
+ <entry><key>key2</key><value>value2</value></entry>
+ </exec:variables>
+ <exec:fetchedAttributes>
+ <string>uid</string>
+ <string>nom</string>
+ <string>prenom</string>
+ </exec:fetchedAttributes>
+ </exec:executableLdifDestinationServiceSettings>
+ </pluginDestinationService>
+ </file>
+ Parameters are:
+ * listScript: Path to the script used to list all entries. The script must be executable.
+ * getScript: Path to the script used to list a specific entry. The script must be executable.
+ * addScript: Path to the script used to add an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * updateScript: Path to the script used to update an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * removeScript: Path to the script used to remove an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * renameScript: Path to the script used to rename an entry. The script must be executable.
+ * variables: allow to define variables that will be passed as environment variables to scripts.
+ * fetchedAttributes: list of destination attributes that should be taken into account for the synchronization.

===== Plugin loading =====

To load the plugin into LSC, you need to modify JAVA_OPTS:
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2014-03-06 13:25:55 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable?rev=1393943238
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable
Edit Summary: [XML namespace]
User : coudot

@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
You need to adapt the namespace of the main markup to import 'exec' namespace:

<file xml>
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <lsc xmlns="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-core-2.0.xsd" xmlns:exec="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-executable-plugin-1.0" revision="0">
+ <lsc xmlns="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-core-2.1.xsd" xmlns:exec="http://lsc-project.org/XSD/lsc-executable-plugin-1.0.xsd" revision="0">
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