[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page changed: documentation:2.0:configuration:syncoptions:security
2013-05-02 15:02:25 UTC
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Date : 2013/05/02 17:02
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/2.0/configuration/syncoptions/security?rev=1334125541
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/2.0/configuration/syncoptions/security
Edit Summary:
User : david.coutadeur

@@ -36,8 +36,19 @@
# cd /path/to/your/lsc/installation
# LSC_SEC_CP=""; for jar in lib/*.jar; do LSC_SEC_CP="$LSC_SEC_CP:$jar"; done
# java -cp $LSC_SEC_CP org.lsc.utils.security.SymmetricEncryption -f $PWD/etc
+ ====Using an external script to encrypt password====
+ You can use **bin/passwordhk.pl** script to compute the password in the same way that LSC do.
+ <note>
+ Available in trunk or from version 2.0.3
+ This script computes AES password, SSHA hash, search for a given user in a LDAP directory, and push the crypted password and the hash to this directory.
+ </note>
+ This case can be useful in conjunction with password filter hook (when synchronizing with Active Directory)

=====Microsoft / Samba LM/NT password hash=====

This feature offers a simple way to encrypt a string so that it can be store as a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LM_hash|LanMan compatible password]] or a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTLM|NT compatible password]]
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