[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page changed: documentation:2.0:configuration:service:sourcesql
2013-05-15 13:06:21 UTC
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Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/2.0/configuration/service/sourcesql?rev=1335198082
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/2.0/configuration/service/sourcesql
Edit Summary:
User : sbahloul

@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
<connection reference="jdbc-src-conn"/>
+ <requestNameForNextId>getNextInetOrgPersonId</requestNameForNextId>
- <requestNameForNextId>getNextId</requestNameForNextId>
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
* **name**: mandatory, it should contain any value that will uniquely identify this service regarding a task
* **connection**: this node should not contain any element, just a "reference" attribute which is used to look for the corresponding connection with this name (as sub-element of the connection element)
* **requestNameForList**: node providing the SQL request name to list available objects in the data source (used through iBatis)
* **requestNameForObject**: node providing the SQL request name to get the full object according to the datasets identifying it uniquely
- * **requestNameForClean**: node providing the SQL request name to get the full object for clean phase according to the datasets identifying it uniquely
* **requestNameForNextId**: this node may be provided to enable a asynchronous mode of the datasource. If provided, this request will be called to get the next updated id. This request may return nothing and LSC will wait until the next modification or its own stop
+ * **requestNameForClean**: node providing the SQL request name to get the full object for clean phase according to the datasets identifying it uniquely

Some of these parameters are mandatory depending on the corresponding synchronization mode:
* in the synchronous mode: requestNameForList and requestNameForObject should be provided. requestNameForNextId is ignored.
* in the asynchronous mode: requestNameForNextId is mandatory whereas requestNameForList and requestNameForObject are ignored.

See then how configure [[..:database:persistence]] with iBatis.
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