2014-03-03 16:01:33 UTC
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Date : 2014/03/03 17:01
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
IP-Address :
Hostname : mne69-10-88-173-78-196.fbx.proxad.net
Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable/howto_scripts
Edit Summary: created
User : coudot
====== How to write scripts for Executable plugin ======
===== Script operations =====
The Executable plugin runs a script for the following operations:
* LIST: get all entries with their pivot attribute
* GET: get one entry, identified by the pivot attribute, with all attributes
* ADD: add one entry
* UPDATE: modify one entry
* REMOVE: delete one entry
* RENAME: rename one entry
===== File handles =====
* STDIN: receive messages from LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDOUT: send messages to LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDERR: send log messages to LSC. If log messages are prefixed with ''DEBUG: '', ''INFO: '', ''WARN: '' or ''ERROR: '', they will be written to the corresponding log level. If not specified, messages will be written to WARN level.
===== Return code =====
* If 0 is returned, this means that the script has succeeded
* If a non zero exit code, this means that the script has failed.
===== Variables =====
It is possible to pass variables to script by setting ''<exec:variables>'' parameters in lsc.xml.
They can then be read in the script as environment variables.
===== Detailed API for each operation =====
==== LIST ====
Nothing is given on STDIN by LSC. The script must send to STDOUT the list of entries under this format:
dn: entry1 identifier
pivot1: aaa
dn: entry2 identifier
pivot1: bbb
<note tip>You can define more than one pivot attributes.</note>
==== GET ====
For each entry found, LSC call the GET script with all the pivot attributes and their values on STDIN, under this format:
pivot1: aaa
pivot2: xxx
The script must find the corresponding entry and return the full entry on STDOUT, under this format:
dn: entry identifier
attribute1: aaa
attribute2: abc
attribute3: def
Date : 2014/03/03 17:01
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0
IP-Address :
Hostname : mne69-10-88-173-78-196.fbx.proxad.net
Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/executable/howto_scripts
Edit Summary: created
User : coudot
====== How to write scripts for Executable plugin ======
===== Script operations =====
The Executable plugin runs a script for the following operations:
* LIST: get all entries with their pivot attribute
* GET: get one entry, identified by the pivot attribute, with all attributes
* ADD: add one entry
* UPDATE: modify one entry
* REMOVE: delete one entry
* RENAME: rename one entry
===== File handles =====
* STDIN: receive messages from LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDOUT: send messages to LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDERR: send log messages to LSC. If log messages are prefixed with ''DEBUG: '', ''INFO: '', ''WARN: '' or ''ERROR: '', they will be written to the corresponding log level. If not specified, messages will be written to WARN level.
===== Return code =====
* If 0 is returned, this means that the script has succeeded
* If a non zero exit code, this means that the script has failed.
===== Variables =====
It is possible to pass variables to script by setting ''<exec:variables>'' parameters in lsc.xml.
They can then be read in the script as environment variables.
===== Detailed API for each operation =====
==== LIST ====
Nothing is given on STDIN by LSC. The script must send to STDOUT the list of entries under this format:
dn: entry1 identifier
pivot1: aaa
dn: entry2 identifier
pivot1: bbb
<note tip>You can define more than one pivot attributes.</note>
==== GET ====
For each entry found, LSC call the GET script with all the pivot attributes and their values on STDIN, under this format:
pivot1: aaa
pivot2: xxx
The script must find the corresponding entry and return the full entry on STDOUT, under this format:
dn: entry identifier
attribute1: aaa
attribute2: abc
attribute3: def
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