[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page added: documentation:plugins:howto_scripts
2014-03-03 15:09:30 UTC
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New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/plugins/howto_scripts
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User : coudot

====== How to write scripts for Executable plugin ======

===== Script operations =====

The Executable plugin runs a script for the following operations:
* LIST: get all entries with their pivot attribute
* GET: get one entry, identified by the pivot attribute, with all attributes
* ADD: add one entry
* UPDATE: modify one entry
* REMOVE: delete one entry
* RENAME: rename one entry

===== File handles =====

* STDIN: receive messages from LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDOUT: send messages to LSC, LDIF formatted
* STDERR: send log messages to LSC. If log messages are prefixed with ''DEBUG: '', ''INFO: '', ''WARN: '' or ''ERROR: '', they will be written to the corresponding log level. If not specified, messages will be written to WARN level.

===== Return code =====

* If 0 is returned, this means that the script has succeeded
* If a non zero exit code, this means that the script has failed.
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