[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page added: documentation:tutorial:csvtoldap
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====== Synchronize from CSV to LDAP directory ======

This tutorial explains you can synchronize a CSV file to an LDAP directory.
The idea is to use a database source service based on a HSQLDB instance (database on files or in memory).

This HSQLDB instance will be previously populated with data contained in the CSV file.

<note tip>To run a sample CSV to LDAP connector out of the box, you can follow the [[..:sample|quickstart]].</note>

===== Step 1: Populate the HSQLDB database from CSV =====

==== CSV file ====

First, get a CSV file, or create one for this tutorial. This file will be called ''tutorial.csv'' and contains the following sample data:
jdoe;Doe;John;John Doe;jdoe at example.com

==== HSQLDB script ====

LSC provides a wrapper to manage the packaged HSQLDB database, see [[..:howtos:hsqldb|HSQLDB presentation]] to get more details.

==== Start HSQLDB ====

Start HSQLB with the following command:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --start

You can then check the status:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --status
HSQLDB Server is running (PID 7020)

==== Import CSV data ====

Load the data with this command:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --import tutorial.csv
1 lines imported into table csvdata

Check imported data:
<code bash>
$ bin/hsqldb --show
---- --- --------- -------- ----------------
jdoe Doe John John Doe jdoe at example.com

===== Step 2: Configure LSC =====

<note>We just provide here the specific configuration items for this tutorial. For a complete overview of LSC configuration, please read [[..:start|the full documentation]].</note>

==== HSQLDB source connector ====

First of all, configure your [[..:configuration:connections:database|database connection]]:
<file xml>

Then configure your service by referencing the previous connection (attribute reference of the connection node):
<file xml>
<connection reference="src-jdbc"/>

We now need to use IBatis to get data from HSQLDB. First, create or update the SQL map configuration:
<code bash>
$ vi etc/sql-map-config.xml
<file xml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig
PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
<transactionManager type="JDBC">
<dataSource type="SIMPLE">
<property value="${driver}" name="JDBC.Driver" />
<property value="${url}" name="JDBC.ConnectionURL" />
<property value="${username}" name="JDBC.Username"/>
<property value="${password}" name="JDBC.Password"/>
<property value="15" name="Pool.MaximumActiveConnections"/>
<property value="15" name="Pool.MaximumIdleConnections"/>
<property value="1000" name="Pool.MaximumWait"/>
<sqlMap url="file://${lsc.config}/sql-map-config.d/InetOrgPerson.xml"/>

Then declare SQL queries:
<code bash>
$ vi etc/sql-map-config.d/InetOrgPerson.xml
<file xml>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-//iBATIS.com//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN" "http://www.ibatis.com/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd">

<sqlMap namespace="InetOrgPerson">

<select id="getInetOrgPerson" resultClass="java.util.HashMap" parameterClass="java.util.Map">
pers."UID" AS uid,
pers."SN" AS sn,
pers."GIVENNAME" AS givenname,
pers."CN" AS cn,
pers."MAIL" AS mail
FROM csvdata pers
WHERE pers."UID" LIKE #uid#

<select id="getInetOrgPersonList" resultClass="java.util.HashMap">
SELECT pers."UID" AS uid
FROM csvdata pers

<select id="getInetOrgPersonClean" resultClass="java.util.HashMap" parameterClass="java.util.Map">
pers."UID" AS UID
FROM csvdata pers
WHERE pers."UID" LIKE #uid#


===== LDAP destination connector =====

<note tip>We suppose you have a running LDAP server on localhost. If not, you can use the sample LDAP directory from the [[..:sample|quickstart]].</note>

First of all, configure your [[..:configuration:connections:ldap|ldap connection]]:

<file xml>
<username>cn=Directory Manager</username>

Then configure LDAP destination service:
<file xml>
<connection reference="dst-ldap"/>

===== Set synchronization rules =====

As usual, define also how the synchronized objects are going to be identified and how you want to force or leave current attributes:

<file xml>
<mainIdentifier>"uid=" + srcBean.getDatasetFirstValueById("uid") + ",ou=Sample,dc=lsc-project,dc=org"</mainIdentifier>

Here the rules are quite simple:
* Create the objectClass attribute (class inetOrgPerson)
* Create the password with the default value "changethis"
* Copy all other attributes from source to destination (uid, cn, sn, givenname and mail)

===== Check configuration =====

Check your configuration:
<code bash>
$ bin/lsc -v

===== Launch synchronization =====

Finally launch the synchronization:
<code bash>
$ bin/lsc -s all -c all

You should see the following result:
avr. 23 22:38:35 - DEBUG - Loading XML configuration from: /home/clement/tmp/lsc-2.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/../etc/lsc.xml
avr. 23 22:38:35 - INFO - Logging configuration successfully loaded from /home/clement/tmp/lsc-2.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/../etc/logback.xml
avr. 23 22:38:35 - INFO - LSC configuration successfully loaded from /home/clement/tmp/lsc-2.0-SNAPSHOT/bin/../etc/
avr. 23 22:38:35 - INFO - Connecting to LDAP server ldap://localhost:33389/dc=lsc-project,dc=org as cn=Directory Manager
avr. 23 22:38:36 - INFO - Starting sync for user
avr. 23 22:38:36 - INFO - # Adding new object uid=jdoe,ou=Sample,dc=lsc-project,dc=org for user
dn: uid=jdoe,ou=Sample,dc=lsc-project,dc=org
changetype: add
uid: jdoe
mail: jdoe at example.com
sn: Doe
cn: John Doe
userPassword: changethis
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top

avr. 23 22:38:36 - INFO - All entries: 1, to modify entries: 1, modified entries: 1, errors: 0
avr. 23 22:38:36 - INFO - Starting clean for user
avr. 23 22:38:36 - INFO - All entries: 1, to modify entries: 0, successfully modified entries: 0, errors: 0

<note tip>For further synchronizations, you will need to reimport fresh data from a CSV file into HSQLDB and launch the connector again.</note>
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