2013-06-19 20:35:58 UTC
A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:
Date : 2013/06/19 22:35
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36
IP-Address :
Hostname : nsg93-4-82-235-239-71.fbx.proxad.net
Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/about/start?rev=1332761146
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/about/start
Edit Summary: [Feature overview]
User : sbahloul
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
* Simple wrapper shell scripts are provided, to ease use and system integration
* Runs on any Java6-enabled platform - tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS X
* Simple **attribute mapping** from source to destination
* Three policies to update attributes, including forcing values, non-destructive updates and merging
- * **Advanced attribute manipulation** via a built-in **JavaScript** engine (support to come for Groovy, Ruby, ... through JSR 223)
+ * **Advanced attribute manipulation** via a built-in **JavaScript** and Groovy engine (more support to come for Ruby, ... through JSR 223)
* Predefined libraries for use in JavaScript attribute manipulation:
* LDAP server tools: standard bind operation can be checked on any LDAPv3 server
* **Active Directory** tools: password update (unicodePwd attribute), account type and status manipulation (userAccountControl), unused account detection (lastLogonTimestamp)
* String manipulation: formatting for common tasks in identity management, such as capitalizing first letters in a complex name, filtering accents for login names, etc ...
Date : 2013/06/19 22:35
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.110 Safari/537.36
IP-Address :
Hostname : nsg93-4-82-235-239-71.fbx.proxad.net
Old Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/about/start?rev=1332761146
New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/about/start
Edit Summary: [Feature overview]
User : sbahloul
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
* Simple wrapper shell scripts are provided, to ease use and system integration
* Runs on any Java6-enabled platform - tested on Windows, Linux and MacOS X
* Simple **attribute mapping** from source to destination
* Three policies to update attributes, including forcing values, non-destructive updates and merging
- * **Advanced attribute manipulation** via a built-in **JavaScript** engine (support to come for Groovy, Ruby, ... through JSR 223)
+ * **Advanced attribute manipulation** via a built-in **JavaScript** and Groovy engine (more support to come for Ruby, ... through JSR 223)
* Predefined libraries for use in JavaScript attribute manipulation:
* LDAP server tools: standard bind operation can be checked on any LDAPv3 server
* **Active Directory** tools: password update (unicodePwd attribute), account type and status manipulation (userAccountControl), unused account detection (lastLogonTimestamp)
* String manipulation: formatting for common tasks in identity management, such as capitalizing first letters in a complex name, filtering accents for login names, etc ...
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This mail was generated by DokuWiki at