[lsc-changes] [Ldap Synchronization...] page added: documentation:2.1:configuration:service:destinationgoogleapps
2014-03-05 10:29:39 UTC
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New Revision: http://lsc-project.org/wiki/documentation/2.1/configuration/service/destinationgoogleapps
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User : coudot

===== Google Apps destination service =====

This service will synchronize identities to Google Apps. It requires a [[..:connections:googleapps]] connection.

Let's find below a sample and the types description:
<file xml>
<connection reference="googleapps" />

The Google Apps destination service should be configured by using the following settings:
* **name**: mandatory, it should contain any value that will uniquely identify this service regarding a task
* **connection**: this node should not contain any element, just a "reference" attribute which is used to look for the corresponding connection with this name (as sub-element of the connection element)
* **apiCategory**: mandatory, "UserAccounts" for now.
* **quotaLimitInMb**: self-explanatory, can be overriden at runtime by specifying a dataset with a customized value regarding a particular group for example

<note>API "Groups" and "OrganizationalUnits" will be supported later.</note>

Destination fetched attributes are built in the service, you can use datasets for:
* uid
* mail
* sn
* isSuspended
* userPassword
* givenName
* modifyTimestamp
* isIpWhitelisted
* id
* createTimestamp
* quotaInMb
* isAgreedToTerms
* userPasswordHash
* isAdmin

The pivot attribute is uid, this is also the main identifier.
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